Friday, November 9, 2012


Radio Ceylon


In the colonial time,as in other countries, in Ceylon too,radio broadcast was introduced based on the BBC model. In Cylon , the first experimental broadcast was started on 22nd February 1924 at the building of Young men's christian association ( YMCA ).After a few months of experiments ,on 27th June1924 , the radio broadcast was inaugurated in Ceylon by the then Governer Sir William Henry Manning.However there is a strong opinion that it was inaugurated on 1925 Dec.16th,by the then Governer Sir Hugh Clifford.The Post Master General in his report of 1924 was very definite on the fact the inauguration was done in 1924.Even though, the then Radio Ceylon and now SLBC still goes on the fact that their Birthday is on 25th of December 1925.Accordingly , SLBC celebrates it's 85th birthday ,this year-2009.

Under government department

Broadcasting in Ceylon for the first time it is said to be commenced under a government department on the 1st October 1949 and was named - RADIO CEYLON.It was headeed by Mr. John Lapson who came from BBC and he was designated as Director General .Mr.Lampson who introduced some sweeping changes in Ceylon braodcasting, relinquished his duties on 15th August 1952.Mr.M.J.Perera of the Ceylon civil servise who joined Radio Ceylon on 18th April 1952, took over from Mr.Lmpson, making the first Ceylonese director-general of broadcasting.

Some distinguished programmes at the early stage

1."1949-Buddhi mandalaya"- a very popular programme based on the BBC's-"Brain trust".

2."Yauwana samajaya"- originaly moderated by Proffesor E.W.Sarachchandra.

3."Pansiya panas jatakaya".

4."Guvan viduli geetha nataka"-the first of the series was 'Manohari' written by Chandraratna Manawasinha.

5."Shastriya sangrahaya" ( the classical hour ). (It should be also noted that Mr.M.J. Perera in his time has done towards the betterment of oriental music over the air waves.His endevour was started in 1953 by introducing a special recording session of nearly 200 Sinhala light songs. 38 singers participated.)

Commercial broadcasting--During the Lampson era,a special attention was paid on earning revenue through commercial broadcasts.Thus the Commercial service was inaugurated on 30th September 1950 and it was headed by Mr.Clifford R. Dodd as the Director. He was an experienced officer who engaged in commercial radio , in his native country , Australia.

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